5/7/2024 0 Comments Touchy Subject Warning. . .So, the Lord has prompted me to say this and I'm going to say it.
Ahem, clearing my throat, yes, but not biting my tongue. In old-fashioned terms, this means I'm going to say this - regardless. Men have their own jobs to do, and housekeeping, cooking and babysitting are not on the agenda. Unless of course they actually like these chores and jobs. But never demand them to do this. If and when the desire to cook or clean hits him, let him do it, of course! I'd rather have a man decide own his own to "help out" in a loving way, than do it because I pressured or bullied him. It would be like him saying it's your job to change a tire, or do the yardwork. Now I love doing yardwork, at least while I was physically able, and sometimes I let it get in the way of having meals prepared or laundry finished. Sometimes my husband was okay with that and sometimes he wasn't. Just don't let something he disagrees with become your priority. We are after all, subject to him, scripturally. Now there are times when women need the extra help, for instance when they're sick, close to their due date, or have a new baby, a child is sick, and so on. But please, don't hen-peck your husband into helping out every single day, or make it his job to do certain chores. All of this can honestly apply to working wives and mothers, as well as stay-at-home wives and mothers. If you need a break from the children---get up earlier before they wake up, go to bed later after they fall asleep. If it is a really dire situation, and your nerves are spent, at least ask nicely for help. Now, all of these scenarios mentioned are with the thought or understanding that the husband is employed. At home, or otherwise. When a man is on the road, travels for work, stays gone for weeks, the situation can differ. And I know times have changed, and women do those same things, but some things never change nor were ever intended to change. I also know income is at the top of a lot of situations that cause some of the problems incurred with a woman working or holding down two jobs. And a man doing the same, can cause difficulties too. But don't just take advantage of the situation, and create more problems because you want a perfect situation for yourself. Think about it, have empathy for them if they are trying hard to make a living, and never gets a break from you or his boss. He might just say to heck with this, and pack up his bags and leave. Then where would you be without him to boss around? I'm aware some marriages, personal situations and people can be very complicated at times. But really most of it could have been prevented if we had just had a little forethought, and followed scriptures pertaining to these situations. Honestly, there should be a discussion about these very things before marriage. If either the husband or the wife sees red flags, the marriage shouldn't take place. And the last thing I want to say, is that under normal circumstances, to think about someone other than yourself, when it comes time to take a break from the children, chores, or whatever it is that's bugging you. Read my page on FW Babies & Children. Get another mindset other than thinking it is the mans job to help out every day. We are both entrusted with our children, and all the things that go along with raising them, to be happy healthy adults one day. They won't be happy if they have to deal with parents who despise each other, or hate raising them and hear the jumble of arguing all the time, or hear the bullying. This can be a mentally challenging problem for children while young and when they are grown, regardless of whether it's the man or woman doing the bullying. And we won't get far with any man, by bullying him to do things pertaining to a woman's domain, which should be the home and children. And I must say, you should never deprive a man of time with his children either, whether they are yours, or his from another marriage. That would totally be a topic for another day, in which I'm well versed in as well.
4/11/2024 0 Comments The Staff of LifePaleolithic Diet, (gluten-free and dairy-free) also called the caveman or a hunter/gatherer diet. Hunting, gathering, and gardening. It's what country folks have been practicing for generations, and in fact it's a tradition that it even thrives today. God seemingly used bread as a curse, in Gen 3:19 anyway...But we've come to LOVE it! Isn't that strange? The bible makes mention of bread over 300 times --- 361 to be exact. And it certainly has become as much of a staple in our modern diets as it was back then. So what is with so many people being allergic to gluten. I don't even pretend to be an authority on the subject, or any other topic for that matter! But I have done my share of researching, and have come to the conclusion that this, along with many other diet related illnesses/allergies are a direct result of tampering with nature. Or, eating too many highly PROCESSED foods. WHY are the foods being overly-processed? To prolong shelf life mainly. So we are eating all of these foods that have had the LIFE taken out of them, and then they have been doused with artificial vitamins, minerals and preservatives/chemicals!! There has to be a better way to eat! For Instance: I have a bread drawer (one that needs decluttering, sadly) and I have a loaf of bread in there that is a few weeks old, (I kept it just to see what would happen) that still looks, feels and smells fresh. Whaaat? Well, we give in sometimes and buy what looks good. I should really have taken the advice of someone who told me years ago to buy what spoils quickly. It has less preservatives. I mean if you are going to buy bread, or you don't bake your own.. Which we probably should be doing, but hey, life happens, one day we will, right?! On a sidenote: You also have people advising us to eat LESS, but actually we need to eat MORE natural foods, naturally prepared foods! Foods that haven't been tampered with (processed), and foods that give us nourishment, vitality, and LIFE!!! I will even go so far as to say, um, all the canning, preserving (to some point) tampers with the nourishment in foods. Now I'm not knocking canning or all the other methods of preserving, but if you live in town, or close to town. . .get to the store, farmer's market, (many larger cities/towns have one, even smaller ones and it's become a very trendy thing) More than likely you'll find someone with sourdough bread, another very trendy thing right now. You have to jump on that bandwagon, honey, while it's still rolling if you're interested! Make it, sell it, or buy it! 🥖🍞🥯 I'm still thinking about it. . .And this is really going to be a challenge with my Southern upbringing! You know....all those biscuits and gravy, and desserts we are so fond of! But hey, I am up for the challenge. And I heard you can make biscuits, pancakes, and even donuts with sourdough. 4/9/2024 0 Comments Pantry vs LarderSorry to tell y'all, but there is a difference, historically at least, and maybe regionally. Nevertheless, I've seen many descriptions, and some even hilarious. "A larder is where you keep your lard, while a pantry is where you keep your pants." lol
So, I honestly, was prompted to write this post after reading the wonderful classic story, The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse, by Beatrix Potter. She had such a way with the everyday details of house, home and countryside, the description speaks for itself. "There were yards and yards of sandy passages, leading to storerooms and nut-cellars and seed-cellars, all amongst the roots of the hedge. There was a kitchen, a parlour, a pantry, and a larder. Also, there was Mrs. Tittlemouse's bedroom, where she slept in a little box bed!" Excerpt. I should list this on my "Favorites" page, it truly is a delightful combination of flavors and textures. Sweet and salty, crunchy and creamy, yum. Added to a salad with crackers or croutons makes it a complete meal. And if you make this at home, please use panko bread crumbs, it is so delicious, you'll never go back to regular bread crumbs or a flour coating. I might also add, the seasoning doesn't have to be complicated, at all. A simple salt and pepper seasoning is all it really needs, but adding curry powder and or ground turmeric is really scrumptious as well. Who needs ketchup? Make a list of things to do that won't cost any money, to spruce up your home, and bring a little bit of sunshine, as well as Springtime, into our homes! I have opened windows and doors to air out the house. I will need to clean out the fireplace soon, to get the sootie smell from creeping into the house. I've washed blankets and quilts. Already, I have hung clothes on the line to dry, hearing them "snap" in the breeze! March has certainly been windy as usual, and we will probably have another cool snap or two. But I have stored away most of our winter clothes, jackets, sweaters, heavy blanket and quilts, etc. TIP: Place your favorite herbs such as Rosemary, Lavender, Spearmint, Juniper or Cedar rolled up in 2 layers of parchment paper and place between winter clothing and blankets. I haven't got around to taking down the curtains and drapes yet for spring-cleaning, but will tend to that within the next week or two. Which brings me to another favorite thing to do come Springtime - switching out the dark colors of winter, for lighter colors! I love to be able to see through the windows while indoors, so I will place sheers and lace panels only, on most of the windows, with the exception of the bedrooms and bath - where I will install mini-blinds soon for privacy along with the sheers and lace panels. I will use a lace or floral valance also to dress them up a bit. TIP: This week wash 2-3 windows per day, and clean the curtains. Switch up curtains from one room to another if the sizes are the same. This will give us a nice change, without spending any money. Cleaning windows is a big chore, but one I love to do!! There is nothing nicer than shiny, squeaky clean windowpanes! HERE's WHAT I DO: Dust everything first! Use a vacuum cleaner. Get the dust, cob webs, spiderwebs, bugs, off the windows, sills and facings. Otherwise you'll just smear the dust and stuff and make mud. If it is already mud, (damp dust) from humidity, condensation, etc., then get an absorbent cleaning cloth or paper towels and wipe it all away until dry. Be careful not to get things stuck in crevices. But if you do, use a butter knife wrapped in a thin piece of cloth or paper towel and run it through the cracks and crevices. Use cotton swabs to get out anything left behind. If dust has turned to mud and dried in cracks and crevices, loosen it with a butter knife, or sharp tool such as a small screwdriver. Of course, be careful not to scratch the surfaces, or paint. Then vacuum it all up or brush it into something to throw it away. Don't brush it onto to floor and create another job. WINDOW WASH RECIPE 1/2 cup of white vinegar 1 gallon water A few drops of your favorite essential oils <<<Here's a link to my favorite, Happiness, by Natures Truth. A handful of cotton cloths or old rags, whatever you prefer. Several old newspapers Mix in a big plastic bowl. Dip cotton cloth and wring out thoroughly. Wipe down inside and outside of windows. Buff with a piece of wadded up newspaper. NOTE: This same recipe can be used for cleaning appliances, cabinets, countertops (check your manufacturer), light fixtures, mini-blinds, what-nots, etc. 3/25/2024 0 Comments Living in your head. Are you a thinker or doer? Do you plan, plan, plan, and never actually get around to the project you've been planning? I'm guilty of this, and the only way I can deal with the problem is to stand up, start moving, and don't let myself get distracted. Just the literal movement and starting to do something, anything, will get the ball rolling. As long as I sit and look for motivation, inspiration, and let it steal the hours out of my day, I have no excuse.
3/15/2024 0 Comments Gardening, Spring PlantingTraditionally, folks in the south planted their English peas and potatoes in February. I believe their favorite day to plant was Valentine's Day. Our potatoes have been planted, but we didn't plant the peas. The next big planting day was Good Friday for many of them. This is when seeds such as corn, squash and okra were planted directly into the ground, and also the starter plants were transplanted into the ground as well. Go check out my pages on Gardening, in pull down menu, and also HERE
The first thing I try to do is declutter one space or one room at a time, every day. When we finally reach true spring weather, then we can begin the cleaning. It will be much easier without the clutter. As I mentioned in another article, get your cleaning supplies ready. Order what you need, or go to the store and get your supplies ahead of time. This might include: Broom, dustpan, mop, mop bucket, vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner filters,
If you're serious about doing spring cleaning, you need to think ahead.
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