I like to try new recipes, but when I'm not feeling well, or in a hurry, I like my old tried and true versions. Case in point. . . Thanksgiving morning I was making pumpkin pies and thought every can of pumpkin surely had the old-fashioned recipe on the label. Well, no, this wasn't the case. I'd bought an off brand from a dent can buggy. So here I go in a tailspin because I used my last can of sweetened condensed milk for my Lemon Pie! I start pulling cans from the pantry searching for a can with an old recipe on it and thankfully LIBBY'S® 100% Pure Pumpkin still had my favorite, old-fashioned version on the label. Wheww! I'll definitely be stocking only Libby's in the future! Oh, and by the way, pumpkin pie can be eaten anytime, not just on Thanksgiving Day. Pumpkin is so good for us, we need to be using in a lot more recipes, more often! Here's their recipe, and certainly look for other recipes there too!
"Fresh foods generally have a higher nutrient content than do cooked or canned foods. But in this case, both fresh pumpkin and canned pumpkin are packed with nutrients, such as potassium, vitamin A and iron." Mayo Clinic
"Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, are a good source of magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, and copper. Magnesium helps improve mood and sleep, while manganese plays a role in collagen production and promotes skin and bone health." Health.com MORE
And even though pumpkin is good for our dogs and cats, there are certain precautions we should take with (1) pets who have diabetes or chronic kidney disease, (2) as well as the type of pumpkin to feed any pet. So please do your research on this before feeding it to your pets.